Here's just a sample of product features that help you meet and exceed your goals!


    Tailored dashboards

    Tailored dashboards that fit you like a glove!  It's like a personalized cockpit view of your leads, pipeline and important contact relationships all at your finger tips.

    Provides easy and immediate access to all of your important tasks, deals, top producing partners as well as production stats, marketing activities and much more without wasting time searching for the things that matter most. 


    Lead management/distribution

    Basic to complex inbound lead assignments OR reassignments can be easily configured with skill-based routing for refined/targeted matches with the right personnel.

    Utilize configurable dashboards to analyze ROI on each and every lead source measuring closed loan volume trending by date, LO, region, branch and more.


    Pipeline management

    View and/or manage your lead and loan pipelines by selecting from a multitude of options.  Use the "Kan Ban" views for that tile layout feel or switch over to the more traditional spreadsheet/row presentations with numerous means for filtering and/or sorting of your data points.

    Achieve efficiency and simplicity in managing your new leads, current loan apps and of course your active loan pipeline with real-time updates from your integrated Loan Origination and or Point-of-Sale applications.


    Partner management

    From top-producing Realtors to Broker partners, managing your referral relationships is a breeze with NextWave CRM.  Your partners are automatically categorized and classified based on referral activity and more importantly on closed loan business. 

    Easily filter your partner lists and blast out critical and timely updates via SMS, EMail or even recorded voice mail.


    Roll-up analysis from TPO branches

    Roll-up reporting and connections for loan transactions can be easily viewed from the parent TPO account.   Parent accounts can be identified and linked to subordinate branch accounts, which are then linked to the source loan transactions and originators.

    Loan production analysis is also available for each associated AE from each branch and/or rolled up to the parent account.  AE's can also be auto-assigned across the organization in the event of AE assignment changes for national or corporate accounts.  


    Mobile app

    Your entire database is a click away right in the palm of your hand!  Our mobile app is packed full of useful information about your partners, borrowers loans and much more.  View and/or send emails, SMS, view loan pipelines or even a list of loans linked to your partners.

    Modify or add new records quickly with auto dupe-check to ensure you maintain a clean contact list.  Enter new loan transactions or leads on-the-fly.  No more waiting until you're back in the office.


    Team collaboration

    Internal communication amongst team member is critical.  Use our "Feed" option for communicating within NextWave CRM.  Users can post, alert, like and/or comment to streamline all of the back-and-forth dialogues frequently needed when working as a team to get your loans to the finish line.

    Each feed thread can be linked/posted for a specific loan transaction, a borrower or even a partner/agent contact and users notified instantly; thus saving time and eliminating the reliance on additional apps for communicating.


    Bulk email/SMS/RVM blast

    Sending out a bulk email, SMS and even Recorded voice mail to a tailored list is literally one click away.  Just pick a folder, confirm your filters and blast away.  Once you've chosen your list you can choose your mode of communication. 

    Email, SMS or even send out a customized voice recording to your top partners, previous customers or any collection of targets that need an immediate communication from you and/or others.  For those supporting other LO's you can even send blasts on their behalf.  Just pick your list and template, then confirm the user for whom you are sending your chosen communication. 


    Auto dial and call tracking

    Easily track all of your outbound and inbound calls with our integrated dialer.  Connect to ANY phone you wish to use for your dialing.  All call results are stamped to the contact's history or even linked to a specific loan transaction.  

    Call results can automatically update the status of a lead for inclusion in follow-up journeys and/or for segmentation and sorting based on number of calls.


    Send SMS

    Send an SMS to a partner, a lead, a borrower and ensure that all of your outbound and inbound SMS communications are tracked for each record in your CRM.

    Easily view all threads from all of your back and forth communications using either our Desktop OR Mobile app!  




    Use our library of built-in journeys for a multitude of uses or build your own.  From Milestone alerts to borrowers and/or agents/brokers to long term nurturing of inactive opportunities, we utilize the power of our Business Process engine to create an unlimited degree of low-code/no-code design.

    Incorporate advanced or even complex conditional logic to alter the process flow based on the profile of your target contacts or even specific loan transactions.


    Power dialer

    Quickly and efficiently call through any list using our Power dialer.  Choose your folder and filters to specifically target your call list and click START!  Each record will be loaded into the dialer queue and auto-dialed. 

    Call from any phone and/or any phone number.  Easily put calls on hold, transfer to another team member and even leave recorded voice mails that you record for any call that goes to voice mail. You can even add an SMS at the conclusion of your calls!


    Tailored content for your marketing templates

    Select from our list of templates or create your own with our powerful Template editor utilizing field macros, conditional rows, desktop/mobile responsive code and much more.  Include templates in journeys, single records or bulk blast emails or SMS messages.

    For any row of information take advantage of our conditional setting to show or hide pertinent content based on specific data points (IE purchase vs refinance or realtor vs borrower contact)